Hello my live people

The website related to my food engineering career that I will talk about is the fao that is the organization of the United Nations for food and agriculture. I know the site thanks to the career that this semester was taking is oral communication and written for the food engineer, as this organization gives us a lot of modern knowledge about food, food waste and pollution, I started to see your website to inform me more and learn and be a better engineer.

His site has a main entrance where you can access the other things that it offers have a section where they explain that it is the fao that grabs already near this also sections where there are publications and documents and survey and data more than anything informative than people they should know to change their awareness of how they do things, more than anything in how we are producing the breaths and what damage they are doing can also find the projects that this foundation seeks to achieve in order to improve our quality of life and at the same time improve the quality of life of the planet because we are over-exploiting it


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