why did you choose your study program ?

 hello my live people
Well, I am studying food engineering, well, at first I did not want to study this, but chemistry and pharmacy or biochemistry, but before that molecular biology and nutrition but discard biochemistry, biology, molecule and nutrition for the little labor field, chemistry and pharmacy because I did not reach the score. And I met this race thanks to my biology teacher who told me that it was a good career and I put it as a second option and that and now we are here in my second year
Well, as a child, I never thought I would study this because I liked plants and animals. I always thought that I would end up being a botanist or zoologist. I also wanted to be a doctor because I liked people feeling good and because doctors make money, but for a while I wanted to be an actor because I liked acting so much I always went to the theater workshops, but I also wanted to live in the forest cultivating my vegetables


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